Sunday, July 17, 2011

Gemini: The Wicked Things by Pepper Espinoza

Gemini: The Wicked Things (Boys of the Zodiac #3)Gemini: The Wicked Things by Pepper Espinoza
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book hit a lot of my "good" buttons. Paranormal storyline, shapeshifters, complex plot, good characters, even ghosts. It progressed quickly enough that I was never really bored or frustrated with the pace, but slowly enough that I didn't feel it was rushed. The only thing that I was a little unhappy with about pacing was there were a couple of points where time shifts and/or scenes cut that felt a little awkward.

One such case is when Travis and John are making love for the first time, and the chapter ends about 2/3 of the way through...and we just forward to the next morning. It might have been okay, if approached properly, but it felt like someone had chopped off the last few pages of the chapter.

Another awkward moment was the ending. Travis restores John's humanity, and we see him worn out from that event, and then...nothing. I would have been happier with another paragraph hinting at their future together, or maybe a short epilogue scene (which isn't necessary, but seems to be the norm). I also wanted to see Travis' mother one more time, to see if she recovered from the bad fairy's influence, and how she lives now (as human, or fairy).

The flashbacks in John's history were relatively well-done, and it really helped to see John's character from where he started and the darkness of his life, to where he ended up. Travis, though, is a little harder to pin down. He has all of these powers that we only see elements of; we don't see the big fight between him and Maurveen, and there are just some things about him that seem flatter than John, which is odd since the POV in the story is mostly from Travis' perspective.

Despite these and a few other hiccups, I would say this was a rather enjoyable read, though not my favorite in the Boys of the Zodiac series so far (I'm trying to read them relatively in order).

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