Thursday, July 14, 2011

Heart & Bones by ML Rhodes

Hearts & Bones (Always, #2)Hearts & Bones by M.L. Rhodes

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love M.L. Rhodes's stuff, and so I was rather excited to pick up this story, a continuation with two characters I had come to like a lot. When I started, I totally didn't expect the direction the story eventually went; I thought maybe some relationship issues, an ex trying to get in between them, and then it all ends up okay. And while that was the overall structure of this story, the actual details were...shocking and a little disturbing.

First of all, I want to say that I usually like stories that go a different route than expected. I get tired of the same storylines, the same relationship paths being followed in story after story. Romance has a reputation of being "add two lovers, a bad history, some angst, an ex, stir and enjoy", very formulaic. As such, I really enjoy finding stories that may start with the formula, but push the envelope in subtle or not-so-subtle ways. While I enjoyed that aspect of this book, it went somewhere darker than I cared to experience.

The kidnapping and torture of our main characters was bad enough, but I could have lived with that. What struck me with a sour note was the forced bondage scene with their abductor; it pushed the envelope of twisted, especially when you consider the neuroses that Ethan was dealing with from his earlier captivity and torture. I really felt for the guy, and to have to go through that, even though it was Will and made it okay, made me very uncomfortable.

Don't get me wrong; I liked the resolution, and I liked that during the scene Will was able to distract the bad guy enough to slip Ethan the knife...very well-written, that. I just was sickened enough by the situation that there was no way I could enjoy the sex scene going on; if it had been taken out of the captivity situation, I might have actually enjoyed it. I guess the depravity of Jackson is what I had a problem with...which in the end was okay, since he was bad, a bad evil man. :D

Other than that uncomfortable scene, I actually enjoyed this story. I liked seeing the aftermath, how what they went through healed some things from Ethan's past as well as brought them closer together in ways that neither of them expected. I also love that their neighbor, who they thought was a pervy stalker, was actually connected with one of the agencies and in made me laugh a little, even though it was kind of a deus ex machina. :D

Overall, not my favorite of Rhodes's works, but it still earns good marks for excellent writing and strong characters.

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